vollständige Bezeichnung
medizinisches Wirkspektrum
- angstlösend / anxiolytisch
- antibakteriell / bakterizid
- antidepressiv / antipsychotisch
- entzündungshemmend / antiinflammatorisch
- gefäßerweiternd / vasodilatativ
- gegen Erbrechen / antiemetisch
- immunsuppressiv / Hemmung des körpereigenen Immunsystems bei unerwünschten Effektenn(Autoimmunerkrankungen, tw. .Erkältungen …)
- Knochenwachstum stimulierend / osteogenetogen
- krampflösend / antispastisch
- nervenschützend / neuroprotektiv
- schmerzlindernd / analgetisch
- verdauungsanregend
Studienlage, Informationen (lediglich Auszüge)
- CBD Einführung für Patienten
- CBD von der Pflanze schlägt synthetisiertes CBD (chemisch hergestelltes, herausgelöstes CBD) I
- CBD von der Pflanze schlägt synthetisiertes CBD (chemisch hergestelltes, herausgelöstes CBD) II
- Verbreitete Unwahrheiten über CBD
- Cannabinoids in Pediatrics
- Cannabidiol as a Promising Strategy to Treat and Prevent Movement Disorders?
- The Pharmacological Inhibition of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Prevents Excitotoxic Damage in the Rat Striatum: Possible Involvement of CB1 Receptors Regulation.
- Neurological aspects of medical use of cannabidiol.
- Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Anxiety: A Large Case Series
- Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an antipsychotic drug
- Cannabidiol administration reduces sublesional cancellous bone loss in rats with severe spinal cord injury.
- Cannabidiol Induces Rapid and Sustained Antidepressant-Like Effects Through Increased BDNF Signaling and Synaptogenesis in the Prefrontal Cortex.
- Probing the endocannabinoid system in healthy volunteers: Cannabidiol alters fronto-striatal resting-state connectivity.
- A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study.
- Systemic Injections of Cannabidiol Enhance Acetylcholine Levels from Basal Forebrain in Rats.
- GPR3, GPR6, and GPR12 as novel molecular targets: their biological functions and interaction with cannabidiol.
- Is Cannabidiol a Promising Substance for New Drug Development? A Review of its Potential Therapeutic Applications.
- Inverted U-Shaped Dose-Response Curve of the Anxiolytic Effect of Cannabidiol during Public Speaking in Real Life.
- Cancer Treatment: Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version
- Cannabidiol Is a Potential Therapeutic for the Affective-Motivational Dimension of Incision Pain in Rats.
- Plastic and Neuroprotective Mechanisms Involved in the Therapeutic Effects of Cannabidiol in Psychiatric Disorders
- Link Wikipedia (DE)
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